We’ll say it again, from award-winning chefs and restaurants to backyard braaiers, foodies love the Big Green Egg. Noma restaurant in Copenhagen has once again taken top honours at this year’s The World’s 50 Best Restaurants Awards. On their menu – often consisting of 20 courses – is a sublime fish dish cooked on the Big Green Egg. Locally, Luke Dale Roberts of The Test Kitchen and Margot Janse from The Tasting Room at Le Quartier Francais, also made a repeat appearance on this coveted awards list. From having hosted our South African launch in 2012 to a pop up restaurant collaboration with Frankie Fenner Meat Merchants earlier this year, Luke and his team are well familiar with the EGG. As is Margot, who not only shared her delicious ribs recipe with us, but also hosted a tandoori chicken on the EGG workshop last year at Cook Franschoek.

A big congratulations from Big Green Egg!